Chin Implant with Neck Liposuction

chin implant and neck AP before after
Front view showing favorable change 5 years following chin implant and neck liposuction surgery*
chin implant and neck RL before after
Profile view showing favorable change 5 years following chin implant and neck liposuction surgery*
chin implant and neck RO before after
Oblique view showing favorable change 5 years following chin implant and neck liposuction surgery*

Facial cosmetic surgery is all about balance which is superbly demonstrated in this series of before and after chin implant and neck liposuction surgery photographs.  The face can be divided horizontally into thirds.  The upper third extends from the hairline to the top of the nose, the middle third from the top of the nose to the bottom of the nose and the lower third from the bottom of the nose to the tip of the chin.  In this example the patient was concerned with the lower third of the face and felt that it was short and poorly defined.  In addition, she was unhappy with the contour of her neck and desired a sharper angle between the chin and neck.  By performing chin implant surgery, the lower third of the face was lengthened and defined.  Chin projection – which refers to how far forward the chin is positioned – was also improved.  This is best appreciated in the profile and oblique photo sets.  A small amount of fat was liposuctioned from the neck and area immediately below the chin.  When performed together in an appropriate patient, these procedures are synergistic and the final result is greater than the sum of the parts.

In most cases I prefer to use a silastic chin implant placed through an incision on the inside of the lower lip – thereby avoiding a potentially visible scar under the chin.  The liposuction part of the procedure is performed first through 3 tiny skin incisions which are not visible once fully healed.  Recovery time is approximately 7 – 10 days with full return to normal activities by 14 days.

More information on these surgeries can be found on our website by clicking on the following links: