Alar Base Narrowing – Nostril Narrowing

Alar base narrowing, nostril narrowing, or alarplasty is a facial cosmetic procedure that changes the shape of the nose. Alar is the name of the fleshy lower part of the nose that attaches to our cheek, which we commonly refer to as our nostrils. This surgical procedure is performed to reduce the look of nasal flaring and create a more symmetrical look for the nose. If you are dissatisfied with the size, width, or shape of your nostrils, Dr. Denton can advise you about nostril reduction surgery.

Unlike a typical rhinoplasty which involves manipulating bone and cartilage, alar base narrowing manipulates soft tissue to change the nostrils. Typically, nostril narrowing is achieved by performing a soft tissue excision. This procedure is often performed as a part of a rhinoplasty but there are instances when it is done as a stand-alone procedure. If an alar base reduction is required as part of a rhinoplasty it is always the last procedure to be performed because the nostrils are evaluated, after the changes to the nose bridge and tip again to determine if the nostrils still look too wide or not.  


Alar Base Narrowing Techniques

Weir Excisions

One of the most common techniques for nostril narrowing is the Weir wedges excision. There are two styles – one does not affect the inner nostril circumference whereas the other involves removing a small portion of internal nostril skin. Dr. Denton removes wedges of alar so that the nostril sidewall can be brought in when the excision site is sutured to create contours.

Nasal Sill Excision

The nasal sill excision technique involves excising skin from the floor of the nostril. The incision is made on the inside of the nostril. For individuals with a wide nasal floor and flared nostrils issues, this technique can be very effective in reducing nasal width.

Y to V Advancement

The Y to V advancement technique is performed by making an incision around the alar insertion inside the nostril. This technique can be used to achieve greater nostril width reduction but it is often avoided because it can result in a fine scare from the nostril base to the face. The scar occurs because the incision is made below the natural crease in the upper lip and then wraps around the inner nostril, continuing deep inside the nostril. Then another incision is made across the nostril floor to form the stem of the Y.

Combined Weir and Sill Excision

When it is necessary to achieve greater nostril narrowing, facial plastic surgeons, like Dr. Denton, may consider performing a combination of the weir and sill excision technique. 

Nostril Reduction Procedure

Normally, an alar base reduction procedure is performed using local anesthesia and lasts about an hour. Dr. Denton makes an incision in the crease where the nostril meets the cheek and removes a wedge of nostril wall. Finally, the incision is sutured. The nostril reduction scar is hidden in the crease of the nose. The result can make the nose appear smaller and narrower. To ensure that the result appears natural, the nostrils should be in proportion with your other facial features.

Before and after images of Asian plastic surgery on a male who has undergone an Alar Base Narrowing Open Rhinoplasty.
Before and After Alar Base Narrowing Open Rhinoplasty*

Dr. Denton believes that informed patients make good decisions, which is why he encourages unhurried discussion between the patient, the other team members, and himself. It is his responsibility to ensure that his patients are thoroughly informed of the most up-to-date and effective treatments available. Computer imaging is critical, in that it allows proposed changes to be visualized and their effect on overall facial balance to be evaluated. The outcome of your alar base reduction procedure can produce an aesthetically pleasing natural-looking nose that is in harmony with your face and one that you will be happy to have for the rest of your life.

Schedule your alar or nostril base reduction consultation here today to find out how Dr. Denton can help you achieve the result that will make you feel more confident about your appearance.