Above are three sets of before and after photographs of a patient who underwent closed septorhinoplasty surgery 5 years ago*. Even though the closed rhinoplasty technique is not commonly used in my practice (mainly because the open approach provides superior access and control to the various nasal structures that require modification during complex rhinoplasty cases) this is an example of a great and long lasting result from a closed rhinoplasty.
In this case the objectives were to straighten the nose, narrow the tip, deproject the tip and rotate the tip – all of which were met nicely in this case. The one main advantage of closed rhinoplasty over the open approach is that the closed approach avoids the transcolumellar incision at the bottom of the nose. However, in my experience this is rarely if ever an issue.
Healing time generally is comparable between the two. Most patients will require 7-10 days off of work or school and two weeks off of the gym or other significant exercise.