The Facial Aging Process and a Time Lapsed Aging Video

We all know that people age at different rates.  Major factors influencing the process include genetics and lifestyle choices.  Despite this the general pattern of aging is quite predictable.  Skin becomes lax as the elastin and collagen proteins  lose their strength over time.  The subcutaneous fat layer (fat immediately beneath the skin) which is associated with a youthful facial contour thins and the deeper fat tends to drop with age – resulting in hollow cheeks, deep folds between the nose and the mouth and excess skin along the jawline and in the neck.  Many of the changes are slowly progressive but others appear suddenly.  It is amazing how often a patient will tell me that the age related changes to her face that brought her to see me occured literally overnight.

We haven’t yet figured out how to stop the aging process but we can slow it down.  The old saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” holds true.  Moisturizing, cleansing and sun protection are important when used on a regular and consistent basis.   We all know the damaging effects of smoking and excessive sun exposure on the skin.  Excessive alcohol intake and frequent significant weight fluctuations can also be problematic.  New and exciting non surgical treatments are also available.  Lost volume can be restored via fillers.  Light based therapies (lasers, IPL and radiofrequency) can help tighten old collagen and stimulate the formation of new.

At the end of the day, however, surgery remains the gold standard by which all other anti-aging treatments are measured.  And to date, no non-surgical treatment can deliver the same extent of anti-aging benefit that comes with surgical intervention.   New and refined surgical techniques offer less down time and a speedier recovery.

We came across this very clever and well done video which shows the facial aging process in a time lapsed fashion.  Note particularly the changes to the brow, the eyelids (both upper and lower), the cheeks, the lines between the nose and the mouth, the lines extending down from the corners of the lips, the jawline and the neck.  Early on, non-surgical treatments would be beneficial in making the changes less noticeable, however, at a given point, the only way to reverse the visible changes is through surgical intervention.