Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your facial features? Do you want to enhance your appearance and boost your confidence? Profileplasty might be the solution you’ve been looking for! Profileplasty, also known as facial contouring or profile correction surgery, is a facial plastic surgery procedure designed to improve the shape, size, and proportion of the facial features such as the nose, chin, or jawline – in other words, the overall appearance of your face. It can help you achieve the facial balance and harmony you’ve always desired.

Dr. Denton would like to provide you with a comprehensive guide to profileplasty, including what the procedure involves, who is a good candidate for it, the different types of profileplasty, and more.

What Is Profileplasty?

Profileplasty is a combination of surgical procedures that involve reshaping the bone and cartilage in the face to create a more aesthetically pleasing profile. The procedure can be done using various techniques, including osteotomy, shaving, and augmentation. 

Osteotomy involves cutting the bone and reshaping it to the desired size and shape. Shaving involves removing excess bone or cartilage from the targeted area. Augmentation involves adding implants to the affected area to increase its size.

The procedure involves reshaping the nose, chin, cheeks, and jawline to create a more aesthetically pleasing facial profile. It can address issues such as a weak chin, a prominent nose, or asymmetrical features. Profileplasty may also include facial liposuction to add beauty and definition to your face and neck by removing fatty deposits in the face, under the chin and in the neck despite being fit and healthy. Generally, with profileplasty, you can achieve a more attractive and natural-looking appearance that complements your unique facial features.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Profileplasty?

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your facial profile as a result of genetic factors, injuries, or the natural ageing process, and have realistic expectations of what facial plastic surgery can achieve, you may be a good candidate for profileplasty. It is also important that you are in good health and do not have any medical conditions that could interfere with the surgery or recovery process.

In addition, It is important that you are mentally prepared for the procedure and understand the risks and benefits involved. A consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon in Vancouver like Dr. Denton can help determine if profileplasty is the right choice for you.

Types of Profileplasty

There are several types cosmetic facial surgical procedures that can be included in a profileplasty, depending on the area of the face that needs to be reshaped. These can include:


Rhinoplasty, also known as a “nose job”,  is a surgical procedure that aims to reshape the nose by altering the size, shape, or position of the nasal bones and cartilage. The procedure can be used to address a variety of concerns, such as a prominent hump, a drooping or bulbous tip, or a deviated septum. 

During the procedure, Dr. Denton can make incisions inside the nostrils or on the outside of the nose, depending on the extent of the changes required. The nasal bones and cartilage are then reshaped to create the desired contour, and the incisions are closed with sutures.

Chin Augmentation or Reduction

Chin surgery can be used to address a weak or receding chin, or to reduce an overly prominent chin. During chin augmentation surgery, Dr. Denton will make an incision either inside the mouth or beneath the chin, and will insert a chin implant to add volume and projection to the chin. If chin reduction is desired, he may use bone reshaping or removal to reduce the size of the chin. 

Jawline Contouring

Jawline contouring can involve a variety of procedures, including bone reduction, augmentation with implants, or liposuction to remove excess fat. 

During bone reduction or augmentation surgery, Dr. Denton will make incisions either inside the mouth or beneath the chin, and will reshape the jawbone to create a more aesthetically pleasing contour. Alternatively, if the patient has excess fat around the jawline, liposuction may be used to remove the fat and create a more defined jawline.

Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal fat removal, also known as cheek reduction, involves removing excess fat from the cheeks to create a more sculpted facial contour. During the procedure, Dr. Denton will make incisions inside the mouth and will remove small amounts of fat from the cheeks to create a more defined facial shape.

Benefits of Profileplasty

As with all cosmetic facial plastic surgery procedures, there are several benefits to undergoing profileplasty, including:

Improved Facial Symmetry

By correcting disproportionate or asymmetrical features, profileplasty can improve the overall symmetry of your face.

Boosted Self-Confidence

When you feel good about your appearance, you’re more likely to feel confident in social and professional situations, leading to greater success and happiness in life.

Natural-Looking Results

With advances in plastic surgery techniques and technology, profileplasty can achieve natural-looking results that enhance your unique facial features.

What to Expect During Profileplasty

Before undergoing profileplasty, you will meet with Dr. Denton for an initial consultation at his state-of-the-art on-site surgical suite in Vancouver. During this consultation, he will evaluate your facial features and discuss your goals and expectations for the procedure. He also uses computer imaging to provide you with a high-resolution digital photograph that is carefully modified to reflect the changes that are anticipated following surgery. The modified images are stored and reviewed with you on the day of surgery.

Based on this information, Dr. Denton will create a customized treatment plan that is tailored to your unique needs and preferences. This may involve a variety of surgical techniques, such as rhinoplasty, chin augmentation, or jaw contouring.

The actual profileplasty procedure may take several hours to complete depending on the extent of the surgery. After the procedure is complete, you can expect to experience some swelling and discomfort, which can be managed with pain medication and other post-operative care instructions.

Over time, the swelling will gradually subside and you will be able to enjoy the full benefits of your profileplasty procedure. 

Choosing the Right Surgeon for Profileplasty

If you are considering profileplasty, it is important to choose a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon who specializes in facial surgery. Look for a surgeon who is board-certified facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Denton and has a proven track record of success in performing profileplasty procedures.

You should also take the time to research the surgeon’s credentials, read reviews from past patients, and ask for before-and-after photos to get a sense of their skill and expertise. By doing your homework and choosing the right surgeon, you can ensure that you will achieve the best possible results from your profileplasty procedure.

Book Your Consultation with Dr. Denton

Profileplasty is an effective way to improve the appearance of your facial profile and achieve a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing look. Whether you are looking to reduce the size of your nose, augment your chin, or contour your jawline, this procedure can help you achieve your cosmetic goals and boost your self-confidence.

If you are interested in learning more about profileplasty or scheduling a consultation with Dr. Denton, book your consultation today. His West Coast Cosmetic Surgery Centre is located in the heart of Vancouver’s medical corridor, just one block from Vancouver General Hospital. He’ll take the time to discuss all your facial plastic surgery options. He encourages unhurried discussion between the patient, the other team members, and himself. He is committed to helping you achieve the beautiful, natural-looking results you deserve!