Are you unhappy with the shape and size of your nose? If you are considering a nose job or rhinoplasty in Vancouver but are a little apprehensive about the results because you want your nose job to look natural, then your need to contact one of the west coast’s most experienced facial plastic surgeons. Dr. Denton has over 20 years of extensive experience and expertise in rhinoplasty surgery. During your consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss your treatment options with him in a confidential and unhurried setting. Computer imaging will be performed to demonstrate to you the expected result following your rhinoplasty procedure. 

Why Rhinoplasty is a Complex Surgical Procedure

Central Feature of Your Face

Even though a nose job may be a popular and common cosmetic surgical procedure, it is considered one of the most complex cosmetic facial procedures. Your nose is the most prominent feature of your face and can significantly affect your appearance. As a result, your rhinoplasty surgeon must pay attention to every detail in order to achieve the best results for you.

Clearly Communicating Your Needs

When considering a rhinoplasty procedure, it is also imperative that you clearly communicate and discuss the desired outcome. You need to take time to consult qualified and experienced facial plastic surgeons like Dr. Denton. He believes that informed patients make good decisions, which is why, he encourages unhurried discussion between the patient, the other team members, and himself. It is his responsibility to ensure that his patients are thoroughly informed of the most up-to-date and effective treatments available. 

Computer imaging is an important adjunct, in that it allows you to visualize proposed changes and their effect on your overall facial balance. The aim of your rhinoplasty or “nose job” should be a nose that looks balanced and natural (i.e. your “new” nose should be in harmony with your facial features). 

A Natural – Looking Nose Job

If you are like most people, you want your nose job to be subtle with a natural-looking outcome. Your new nose should look as if you were born with it. However, when most people think of a “Nose Job,” their immediately think that the nose needs to be smaller. This is not always the case, however. The desired outcome of any rhinoplasty is a nose that is in harmony with your facial features and suits your appearance. Dr. Denton achieves this by sculpting the nose in order to correct or adjust specific characteristics. For example, humps may be removed, the bridge of the nose can be narrowed by bringing the nostrils in if they’re too wide. The ultimate goal is to create a nose that is in balance with your overall facial characteristics and ethnicity.

Please view before and after photos of rhinoplasty procedures performed by Dr. Denton.  All surgery is performed in our Vancouver Facial Plastic Surgery Centre, located on West Broadway, adjacent to Vancouver General Hospital.

Consult with an Experienced Facial Plastic Surgeon in Vancouver

If you are considering a nose job in Vancouver, you should book a consultation with Dr. Denton. He is a highly skilled board-certified facial plastic surgeon with decades of experience in rhinoplasty procedures. Dr. Denton can advise what the best course of action is for you. 

Our private and comfortable offices are located in the heart of Vancouver’s medical corridor, just one block from Vancouver General Hospital. Our state-of-the-art on-site surgical suite allows all patient visits – from consultation through surgery and post-operative follow-up – to be scheduled at this location, adding simplicity, familiarity, and convenience to the patient experience.

Schedule your rhinoplasty consultation online or call 604-879-3223 and find out how Dr. Denton can help you achieve the result that will make you feel more confident about your appearance.