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Facelift Myths

Facelift Myths

The opportunities to rejuvenate your appearance are numerous but nothing is more effective than SMAS advanced facelift procedures performed by qualified, skilled, and experienced board-certified Facial Plastic Surgeons like Dr. Denton in Vancouver, BC. With over two decades of experience, Dr. Denton can advise you regarding your facelift or any other facial rejuvenation procedure you may be considering. He performs…

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Five Benefits of Surgical Facelift Procedures

Five Benefits of Surgical Facelift Procedures

A surgical facelift or rhytidectomy is designed to help you regain a healthier and younger-looking appearance. Nowadays, you have a choice of both surgical and non-surgical options that can help you recapture a youthful appearance. Nevertheless, surgical facelift procedures performed by experienced board-certified plastic surgeons are the most popular cosmetic facial procedures since they can offer the most dramatic and…

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Brow Lift Surgical Procedure – Endoscopic Approach

Brow Lift Surgical Procedure – Endoscopic Approach

As we begin to age, our forehead develops lines, wrinkles and our eyebrows sag. These changes can leave us looking tired, sad, or angry. Fortunately, brow lift surgery, sometimes also called an eyebrow lift or forehead lift, can help minimize these issues. This highly effective cosmetic procedure raises the eyebrows and helps soften the lines and wrinkles on the forehead…

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