A surgical facelift or rhytidectomy is designed to help you regain a healthier and younger-looking appearance. Nowadays, you have a choice of both surgical and non-surgical options that can help you recapture a youthful appearance. Nevertheless, surgical facelift procedures performed by experienced board-certified plastic surgeons are the most popular cosmetic facial procedures since they can offer the most dramatic and longest-lasting results for both men and women. 

The Goal of Surgical Facelift Procedures

The main goal of a surgical facelift is to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and sagging facial skin while maintaining a natural-looking appearance,  not the classic windswept look of the facelift procedures of the past. 

In order to tighten your sagging skin and loose jowl, Dr. Denton removes excess facial skin as well as any deep facial folds which rejuvenates your appearance. However, surgical facelift procedures performed by Dr. Denton at his Vancouver surgical suite, go beyond the skin. He uses deep-plane facelift techniques that also deal with structures beneath the skin like muscle and fat deposits. Dr. Denton accesses the deeper layers of tissue between muscle and fat called the superficial muscular aponeurotic sheath (SMAS) which he then manipulates to achieve the desired result. By also working on this layer of facial structures, he is able to achieve results that tighten the skin and lift the face as well. As a result, he is able to achieve dramatic improvements in the neck, jawline, jowls, and facial wrinkles in both men and women of all ages. In fact, it’s been found that an expertly performed facelift procedure can take about ten years off your appearance.

Considering a Surgical Facelift in Vancouver, BC?

If you are considering surgical facelift procedures in Vancouver in order to rejuvenate your appearance and reverse the effects of ageing, you need to consult with Dr. Denton. You can discuss the facial features you are not satisfied with and how surgical facelift procedures can improve them and make a positive impact on your social and professional life. Both men and women can benefit from surgical facial rejuvenation since the results can help them feel more attractive and confident about their appearance.

The Main Benefits of Surgical Facelift Procedures

Facelifts Rejuvenate Your Appearance 

The main benefit of a surgical facelift is the rejuvenation of your appearance. A skilled board-certified Facial Plastic Surgeon like Dr. Denton can help restore your youthful appearance by reducing signs of aging brought on by sun damage, smoking, drinking alcohol, stress, and heredity. The result is tighter and smoother skin that immediately enhances your appearance. Issues such as sagging skin, deep wrinkles, creases, a double chin, and displaced facial fat can be minimized significantly. 

Facelifts Tighten Your Skin

Skin elasticity decreases with age which can cause undesirable changes such as drooping or pulling down of the eyelids and brows which makes you look tired and older than you actually are. Skin laxity can develop in the face, along the jawline, on the upper eyelids, and in the neck.  You may also experience lines on the upper lip and around the mouth, nose, and chin. These undesirable features cause us to look older and more tired than we feel. 

Dr. Denton performs facial cosmetic surgery using the SMAS facelift technique to place tension on the layer of tissue under the skin. This allows excellent tightening and rejuvenation of the face while maintaining a natural appearance. When muscular banding of the neck is present, a submentoplasty (neck lift or platysmaplasty) may be necessary.  This procedure involves sewing the muscular bands together through an incision placed discretely under the chin. The result is a brighter and fresher look that turns back the hands of time and helps you look younger.  

Facelifts Can be Performed with Other Facial Procedures

Unlike some cosmetic surgical procedures that should be performed on their own because of factors such as recovery time and the extensiveness of the surgery, surgical facelifts are often combined with other procedures. For example, often patients who undergo a facelift will also choose to enhance their appearance with a browlift, blepharoplasty (eyelid lift), and facial liposuction

By combining different cosmetic facial procedures, you can minimize the amount of time recovering and you won’t have undergone these different cosmetic surgical procedures at later dates. However, the most significant benefit is the fact that you can achieve consistent rejuvenation across your entire face not just at specific parts. This achieves a significantly higher degree of overall rejuvenation and a natural-looking result. 

Facelifts Can Benefit Younger Individuals as Well

Commonly, the individuals who choose to have surgical facelifts are in their 50s and 60s when the sagging skin and wrinkles become more visible and the face begins to look permanently tired. However, this does not mean that individuals in their 30s and 40s shouldn’t consider a facelift procedure. In fact, the results for younger individuals are much more natural, the recovery time is much shorter and the aging process becomes less noticeable.

Another advantage is that, at a younger age, your skin still retains its natural elasticity so the results of your facelift are better. You are also able to identify and correct issues early before they progressively get worse as you reach your 50s.

Facelifts Can Improve Your Self-Confidence

Rejuvenating your appearance can improve your self-confidence since you begin to feel better about yourself. When you feel better about yourself, you are more motivated to socialize and try to take part in new experiences. Individuals who have high levels of self-confidence are also considered by others as having more positive characteristics and are believed to be more capable. Consequently, often when people start to show signs of ageing, they may begin to experience a loss in social popularity and miss out on professional opportunities. 

Another significant benefit of feeling more confident about your appearance is that you may be motivated to maintain a healthier lifestyle. For example, you may follow a healthier diet and exercise more frequently. If you have unhealthy habits such as smoking, you may even give them up and begin to take part in healthier activities like aerobics or joining a health club. 

Schedule Your Consultation with Dr. Denton

If you are considering a surgical facelift or if you want to rejuvenate your appearance, you should book a consultation with Dr. Denton. He is a highly experienced board-certified facial plastic surgeon with decades of experience in facial cosmetic surgery. Dr. Denton can advise what the best course of action is for you.

Before any procedure, Dr. Denton ensures that his patients are fully informed in order to make the best decisions. He encourages unhurried discussion between the patient, the other team members, and himself. Dr. Denton also uses computer imaging to enable his patients to visualize the proposed changes and their effect on his patients’ overall facial balance.

Schedule your surgical facelift consultation today and find out how Dr. Denton can help you achieve the result that will make you feel more confident about your appearance.