Facial implants in Vancouver offer a transformative solution for those seeking enhanced facial features. Whether you desire more defined cheekbones or a stronger chin, these permanent implants can create remarkable changes, restoring balance and harmony to your appearance. We delve into the world of facial implants, their benefits, candidacy, and the recovery process. Dr Andrew B. Denton, a leading Vancouver facial plastic surgeon, shares insights and expertise regarding cheek and chin implants to guide you on your journey toward true beauty.

What Are Facial Implants?

Facial implants are crafted from biocompatible materials, such as silicone or porous polyethylene. They come in various shapes and sizes, allowing skilled surgeons like Dr Denton to tailor the implant to your unique facial proportions. They provide lasting results, unlike temporary dermal fillers, and do not migrate or shift over time. 

Choosing facial implants can offer several advantages over alternative solutions. Let’s delve deeper into each benefit:

Permanent Results

Unlike dermal fillers, which require periodic re-injection (typically every 6-18 months), facial implants provide long-lasting, noticeable improvements. This translates to significant cost savings over time compared to ongoing filler treatments.

Enhanced Definition

Facial implants can create sharper contours and a more sculpted appearance. For example, cheek implants can define and elevate your cheekbones, creating a lifted and youthful look. Similarly, chin implants can strengthen a weak chin, improving jawline definition and overall facial balance.

Improved Facial Harmony

By strategically adding volume, implants can create a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing profile. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with a recessed chin, underdeveloped cheekbones, or any asymmetry in the facial structure. Facial implants can help create a more proportional and harmonious appearance.

Boost in Confidence

Feeling good about your appearance can significantly impact your self-esteem. Facial implants can address long-standing insecurities about your facial features. By achieving a more balanced and defined facial structure that aligns with your aesthetic goals, you can experience a significant boost in confidence and self-assurance.

Types of Facial Implants IN Vancouver Offered by Dr Denton

Dr Denton offers a variety of implant options to target specific areas of the face:

Cheek Implants

As we age, the midface loses volume, leading to sagging skin and a deflated appearance. Cheek implants rejuvenate the midsection of your face, lifting and restoring fullness. Dr Denton makes a discreet incision inside the mouth, ensuring no visible scars. If your face lacks definition due to genetics, trauma, or aging, cheek implants could be the solution you’ve been seeking.

Before and after images of a young Asian female who has undergone cheek implant surgery.

Cheek implants are a popular choice for individuals seeking to:

Restore Lost Volume in the cheeks

As we age, our facial tissues naturally lose volume, leading to a sunken and gaunt appearance. Cheek implants can effectively add fullness and definition to the cheekbones, creating a more youthful and vibrant look.

Enhance Cheekbone Definition

For those with naturally flat cheekbones, cheek implants can significantly improve facial structure. By strategically adding volume, they can create a more sculpted appearance and define the cheekbones for a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing profile.

Improve facial balance

Cheek implants can be particularly beneficial for individuals with a weak jawline or a recessed chin. By adding volume to the cheeks, they can help create a more proportional appearance and improve overall facial harmony.

Types of Cheek Implants

There are various types of cheek implants available, each designed to achieve different aesthetic goals:

  • Malar implants: These implants target the apples of the cheeks, adding volume and fullness for a youthful, rounded appearance.
  • Submalar implants: Placed lower on the cheekbones, these implants address volume loss in the mid-face, creating a smoother transition from the cheekbones to the jawline.
  • Combination implants: For a more comprehensive correction, Dr Denton may recommend combining both malar and submalar implants to achieve the desired level of volume and definition throughout the cheeks.

Chin Implants

A weak chin profile can impact overall facial harmony. For example, a small chin detracts from an otherwise well-balanced face and can make the nose appear more prominent than it actually is. Chin implants enhance your chin’s definition, improving proportions and creating a more balanced look. 

Dr Denton performs this procedure with precision, using a small incision a small incision is made either inside the mouth or in a skin crease just behind the rounded area of the chin. The chin implant, which has a consistency similar to the soft tissues of the chin, is secured in position in front of the jawbone. The incision is then closed, undetectably concealing the chin implant. The result? A natural-looking enhancement that boosts confidence.

Before and after images of a female who underwent chin implant surgery and facial liposuction.

Chin implants are ideal for individuals looking to:

Strengthen a Weak Chin

A weak or recessed chin can throw off facial harmony in several ways. It can make the nose appear larger in proportion to the rest of the face, and it can contribute to a less defined jawline. Chin implants can effectively project the chin forward, creating a more defined jawline and a stronger profile. This improvement in balance can also make the nose appear less prominent, creating a more aesthetically pleasing overall look.

Improve Jawline Definition

Similar to cheek implants, chin implants can significantly enhance jawline definition. By strategically adding volume and projection to the chin, they can create a more chiseled and contoured look. This sculpted appearance is often associated with attractiveness and can boost confidence, particularly for individuals who desire a more defined and masculine jawline.

Balance Facial Features

For those with a prominent nose or a long mid-face, a chin implant can be a game-changer. By bringing the lower face forward, a chin implant can help create a more balanced and proportional profile. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who feel their nose dominates their facial features or for those with a longer mid-face that creates an unbalanced appearance. In these cases, a chin implant can restore harmony and create a more aesthetically pleasing facial structure.

Types of Chin Implants

Chin implants come in various shapes and sizes to accommodate individual needs and desired outcomes:

  • Sliding genioplasty: This surgical technique, while not technically an implant, can achieve similar results. A horizontal bone cut is made in the lower jawbone, which is then advanced forward and secured. This procedure is ideal for significant chin retraction.
  • Genioplasty implants: These pre-made implants come in various shapes and sizes to address different chin deficiencies. Dr Denton will carefully select the implant that best suits your facial structure and desired projection.

Remember, these are just some of the benefits and details of cheek and chin implants. To explore if they are right for you and discuss your specific goals, contact Dr Denton’s clinic to schedule a consultation.

The Facial Implant Consultation Process at Dr Denton’s Clinic

During your initial consultation, Dr Denton will:

  • Discuss your aesthetic goals and concerns.
  • Evaluate your facial structure and suitability for implants.
  • Recommend the most appropriate type and size of implant for your desired outcome.
  • Explain the surgical procedure in detail, including potential risks and recovery expectations.
  • Address any questions you may have.

Facial Implant Surgery: What to Expect

Facial implant surgery is typically performed on an outpatient basis in our fully accredited operating room under twilight anaesthesia. The specific technique will depend on the type of implant being used. However, generally:

  • Small incisions are made strategically, often hidden inside the mouth or within natural skin creases.
  • The implant is carefully positioned and secured.
  • The incisions are then closed with sutures.

Recovery After Facial Implant Surgery

Following surgery, you can expect some swelling and bruising, which will subside gradually over the course of a week or two. A tape dressing is placed following surgery and is kept in place for 1 week. Stitches used to close any incisions inside the mouth dissolve on their own and skin stitches placed under the chin are removed in 5 to 7 days.

Discomfort is usually manageable with medication. Dr Denton will provide detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

Achieve Your Dream Look with Facial Implants in Vancouver

If you’re considering facial implants to enhance your facial features and achieve a more balanced appearance, Dr Denton can help. As a leading board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Vancouver with extensive experience in facial implant procedures, he is dedicated to providing his patients with exceptional results and personalised care.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Contact Dr Denton’s West Coast Cosmetic Surgery Centre today to book a consultation and discuss your facial implant options. Call us at (604) 879-3223 or visit our website to learn more and take the first step towards a more confident you.

Additional Considerations for Facial Implants

  • Cost: The cost of facial implant surgery will vary depending on the type of implant used, the complexity of the procedure, and anaesthesia fees. During your consultation, Dr Denton will provide you with a personalised cost estimate.
  • Alternatives: While facial implants offer a permanent solution, other options like dermal fillers can provide temporary volumization. Dr Denton will discuss all possibilities with you to determine the best course of treatment.

Embrace Your Natural Beauty with Facial Implants

Facial implants can be a powerful tool for enhancing your natural beauty and achieving a more confident look. If you’re considering facial implants in Vancouver, schedule a consultation with Dr Denton today. Let us help you unlock your full potential and achieve the facial harmony you deserve.