Tip Refinement and Deprojection During Rhinoplasty

These three sets of photographs show before and after images of a patient that underwent open septorhinoplasty to address several concerns she had regarding the appearance of her nose.  Specifically, she was unhappy with the appearance of the tip from all angles (boxy, over projected and long) and the height and irregularity of the bridge.  Thin skin also added further challenges to this case.

During open septorhinoplasty the bridge of the nose was reduced to give the nose a more feminine profile.  The tip was modified to make it more triangular and refined.  As is the case with any rhinoplasty I perform, as little cartilage and bone is removed as possible thereby maintaining the structural integrity of the nose.

Before & After Tip Refinement & Deprojection of the nose - Front View
Before and After Rhinoplasty*
Before & After Tip Refinement & Deprojection of the nose - Front View
Before and After Rhinoplasty*
Before & After Tip Refinement & Deprojection of the nose - Front View
Before and After Rhinoplasty*