Rhinoplasty, or a nose job, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that can correct, reconstruct, restore or improve your nose aesthetically. Facial plastic surgeons can change the size, angle, and shape of your nose to make it more balanced with the other facial features. Vancouver’s Dr. Andrew Denton is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon, who has extensive experience and expertise in rhinoplasty. One of the concerns of rhinoplasty patients that he often has to address is whether their “nose job” will change over the years. Dr. Denton explains to his patients that the results are permanent and they will last a lifetime. It’s also important to note that rhinoplasty should only be performed on a fully developed nose, therefore, it is not advisable for girls below the age of 16 or boys younger than 18 to undergo this procedure.

To understand how a rhinoplasty procedure can withstand the test of time and maintain its shape, you need to understand the surgical procedure and what is needed to ensure long-lasting results. 

The Rhinoplasty Procedure

There are two types of rhinoplasty techniques – “open” and “closed.” The closed technique is performed by making all incisions on the inside of the nose. However, with the open technique, a small incision is made in the columella (the soft tissue that separates the nostrils), and then additional incisions inside the nose. This is a more invasive procedure but it provides the rhinoplasty surgeon with unparalleled access to and visibility of the underlying bone and cartilage structure. 

The open technique enables Dr. Denton to perform your rhinoplasty procedure with improved accuracy when reshaping the framework of the nose in order to achieve desired contouring. It is also much easier to perform intricate suturing and/or grafting. As for patients worried about external scars, it is not an issue since if there is a minute scar that is barely visible and usually fades with time. Consequently, Dr. Denton utilizes the open approach almost exclusively.

Reshaping Your Nose

To reshape your nose, Dr. Denton makes incisions to access the cartilage and bones which may be removed. He may also add fillers to acquire the desired shape. Like each rhinoplasty patient, each procedure is unique and must take into consideration nasal anatomy and facial proportions. Whether Dr. Denton performs dramatic reshaping of your nose or just makes some minor changes, will depend on your specific goal. Nevertheless, the goal of a natural-looking rhinoplasty is to reshape your nose in a way that is in perfect harmony and balance with your facial features. 


The nose is very delicate and intricate so patience is required during the healing process. The initial healing stage is about seven to ten days. During this stage, you need to follow aftercare instructions carefully and allow your nose to heal. After a three-week period, most of the signs of the surgical procedure will have disappeared and your nose will look like your final result. However, it could take about a year for your nose to completely heal and take on its new permanent shape.

Are the Rhinoplasty Results Permanent?

As we have mentioned, the results of your nose job are permanent. Unlike a surgical facelift, which involves muscles and skin, a rhinoplasty is performed by reshaping the structure of your nose. The structure is, of course, made of bone and cartilage. Therefore, once the nasal bones have set to their new position, they won’t continue to grow or change. However, cartilage can grow slightly, but the growth is so slow and minor that it will go unnoticed. As a result, there is no reason to worry that your nose will get bigger or that the dorsal hump that had been removed will ever return.

Your nose, however, is also made up of soft tissues that will age over time. Like other parts of your face affected by aging as a result of collagen breakdown and a decrease in skin elasticity, your nose may also change a little but not the structure of your nose.

Factors that Can Effect How Your Nose Changes Over Time

Even though the structure of your nose will not change after your rhinoplasty, your facial features can be affected by aging. There are certain factors that may influence your appearance, including how your nose will look.

  • One factor that can affect the aging of your rhinoplasty is the surgical technique used and the expertise of your rhinoplasty surgeon. For example, if your surgeon only used a reductive technique to make your nose smaller by removing bone and cartilage instead of the reconstructive techniques used by most facial plastic surgeons today, your nose may eventually lose its shape.
  • Your genetics is another important factor affecting your aging process. For some individuals, their facial features do not change significantly with age. On the other hand, there are others who may experience significant changes that can also affect how their nose will look.
  • Your nose could be altered due to facial trauma. Naturally, if you had an accident that injured your nose, this could alter its shape.
  • Another possible factor affecting your nose is the thickness of the skin on your nose. The skin on your nose is affected by aging. So, if you have thick skin on your nose, the signs of aging may be more prominent than for individuals with thin skin. Thus, your facial plastic surgeon may take into account your thick skin by building up the cartilage in your nose to add more definition. Consequently, the structure of your nose won’t be affected by your thick aging skin and will remain pronounced through the skin.

The Importance of Choosing the Most Qualified Rhinoplasty Surgeon

Your initial rhinoplasty surgery is the most important factor affecting how your nose will look not only in the immediate future but decades after your cosmetic surgical procedure. Hence, it’s important to choose your rhinoplasty surgeon carefully. Even though rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic facial surgical procedures, it is quite a complex and challenging procedure. 

If you are considering revision rhinoplasty, it is highly recommended to consult a leading board-certified Facial Plastic Surgeon, like Dr. Denton, who is highly experienced in this procedure and has a clear understanding of the nasal structure and the surgical techniques required to perform it flawlessly and provide you with the desired results. 

What’s more, since no rhinoplasty procedure is the same, the surgeon needs to take time to consult with the patient and establish a customized treatment plan. This will reinforce the patient’s confidence, especially when computer imaging is used to reflect the anticipated changes. Dr. Denton’s philosophy is that the patient must be an equal member of the decision-making team so that he or she can make sound informed decisions and will be aware of the expected result.

Our private and comfortable offices are located in the heart of Vancouver’s medical corridor, just one block from Vancouver General Hospital. Our state-of-the-art on-site surgical suite allows all patient visits – from consultation through surgery and post-operative follow-up – to be scheduled at this location, adding simplicity, familiarity, and convenience to the patient experience.

Schedule your rhinoplasty consultation online or call 604-879-3223 and find out how Dr. Denton can help you achieve the result that will make you feel more confident about your appearance.