Asian cosmetic surgery offers individuals of Asian heritage a beautiful way to refine and enhance their facial features, all while staying true to their unique beauty and ethnicity. As a facial plastic surgeon with extensive experience and expertise in the field of Asian plastic surgery in Vancouver, Dr Denton understands the nuances and considerations of working with Asian facial structures. In this blog post, we will explore the common goals and types of Asian cosmetic surgery and how to find the right surgeon for your Asian cosmetic surgery journey.

Understanding Popular Asian Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Asian cosmetic surgery offers a unique opportunity to subtly enhance your natural features while preserving your distinct beauty.  Let’s take a closer look at the most popular procedures and how they can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Asian Blepharoplasty (Double Eyelid Surgery)

One of the most common Asian cosmetic procedures is Asian Blepharoplasty, also known as double eyelid surgery. It is estimated that 50% of people of East Asian descent are born with eyelids that have single eyelids, also referred to as monolids. It aims to create or define the upper eyelid crease, a feature common in Caucasian eyelids but often absent in those of Asian descent.  This procedure enhances the eyes making them appear larger and more expressive.

Dr. Denton Asian blepharoplasty before and after photo of a male patient

Dr Denton is highly–skilled in performing this surgery with minimal scarring and downtime. He uses advanced techniques to customize the surgery according to the individual’s facial features, preferences, and goals. 

Dr Denton performs the double eyelid surgery by creating a crease that ends inside the fold because it appears more natural and ethno-appropriate. Once an appropriate amount of fat is removed, the skin is sutured to the exposed levator aponeurosis and the skin incision is closed. He removes the sutures one week after the surgery. After the surgery, his Asian patients have more youthful-looking eyes with more balance and symmetry and less puffiness.

Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)

Rhinoplasty is another popular procedure because Asian nasal features can include a nose that sits deeper in the face, a wider/flatter nasal bridge, and wider nostrils. Asian rhinoplasty can address concerns like:

  • Low nasal bridge: Creating a higher, more defined nasal bridge
  • Flat or wide nasal tip: Refining the nose tip for a sharper appearance
  • Overall proportions: Harmonizing nose size and shape with other facial featuresDr. Denton Asian rhinoplasty before and after photo of a female patient

Dr Denton understands the unique beauty standards and facial structures of Asian patients. Asian Rhinoplasty goes beyond just enhancing the nose – it’s about achieving balance, elegance, and harmony that complements your natural features.

He aims to create natural-looking results that respect and enhance your individuality. His approach focuses on refining the nasal bridge, tip, and nostrils to achieve a harmonious and balanced appearance.

Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation is another procedure often performed in Asian cosmetic surgery, particularly for those who desire a more balanced and defined jawline. It can improve facial balance for people who feel that they have:

  • Recessed chin: This can create the appearance of a weak chin and contribute to a shorter profile.
  • Lack of definition: A less defined chin can sometimes make the lower face appear rounder.Dr. Denton chin implant before and after photo of a female patient

There are two main approaches to chin augmentation:

Surgical Implant

Dr Denton makes a small incision either under the chin or inside the mouth. A pocket is created in the underlying tissue, and a custom-sized implant, usually made of solid silicone, is inserted. The implant is then secured with sutures or screws. After surgery, swelling and mild discomfort are expected. Most patients can return to work within a week, with complete recovery taking several weeks.

Non-Surgical Fillers

Injectable fillers like hyaluronic acid are strategically placed in the chin area to add volume and definition. The benefit of this procedure is that it offers immediate results with minimal downtime. However, unlike the surgical implant, the results are temporary, typically lasting 12-18 months, requiring repeat treatments.

Choosing the Right Approach

The best method for chin augmentation depends on individual factors like desired outcome, facial anatomy, and personal preferences. During your consultation, Dr Denton will carefully assess your needs and discuss both surgical and non-surgical options to create a personalised plan that achieves your desired results.

Embracing Your Ethnicity through Cosmetic Surgery

The goal of Asian cosmetic surgery is not to erase your beautiful heritage, but to subtly enhance your features in a way that feels natural and harmonious. Many people of Asian descent seek cosmetic enhancements to achieve:

  • Brighter, more defined eyes
  • A slightly higher or more contoured nasal bridge
  • A more balanced facial profile

It’s essential to work with a surgeon who understands these goals and the anatomical nuances of Asian facial structures to maintain your unique beauty.

Choosing the Right Surgeon for Your Asian Cosmetic Surgery

Choosing the right surgeon is crucial for achieving the results you desire. Consider these factors:

  • Expertise in Asian cosmetic surgery: Seek a surgeon with extensive experience performing these procedures on patients of Asian descent.
  • Personalised approach: Your surgeon should value understanding your individual goals and work with you to tailor a plan accordingly.
  • Before-and-after photos: Look for a surgeon with a portfolio demonstrating successful results on Asian patients.

Schedule Your Consultation with Dr Denton in Vancouver

If you’re considering Asian cosmetic surgery in Vancouver, you should schedule a consultation with Dr Denton, a leading board-certified Facial Plastic Surgeon. He is highly experienced with Asian facial anatomy and the surgical techniques required to perform Asian facial cosmetic plastic surgeries successfully to provide you with the desired results. 

Computer imaging can also be used to reflect the anticipated changes. Dr Denton’s philosophy is that the patient must be an equal member of the decision-making team so that he or she can make sound informed decisions and will be aware of the expected result.

Our private and comfortable offices are located in the heart of Vancouver’s medical corridor, just one block from Vancouver General Hospital. Our state-of-the-art on-site surgical suite allows all patient visits – from consultation through surgery and post-operative follow-up – to be scheduled at this location, adding simplicity, familiarity, and convenience to the patient experience. 

Schedule your Asian facial cosmetic plastic surgery consultation online or call 604-879-3223 and find out how Dr Denton can help you achieve the result that will make you feel more confident about your appearance.