A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves the appearance of the face and neck by tightening the skin and underlying muscles, removing excess fat, and repositioning the tissues. A modern facelift procedure performed by qualified and skilled facial plastic surgeons like Dr Denton in Vancouver can make you look younger, more refreshed, and more confident. However, like any surgery, a facelift requires a period of recovery and healing. As a result, Dr Denton will share some tips and advice on how to make your facelift recovery as smooth and speedy as possible.

Before the Surgery: Prepare Yourself and Your Environment

The first step to a successful facelift recovery is to prepare yourself and your environment before the surgery. Here are some things you should do:

Follow Instructions

Follow your surgeon’s instructions on how to prepare for the surgery, such as stopping smoking, avoiding certain medications and supplements, and fasting before the procedure.

Arrange for Assistance

Arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgery and stay with you for the first 24 hours after the surgery. You will need help with daily activities and monitoring your condition.

Stock Up on Needed Supplies

Stock up on supplies that you will need during your recovery, such as ice packs, pillows, gauze, bandages, painkillers, antibiotics, and scar creams. You may also want to have some soft foods, such as soup, yoghurt, and smoothies, that are easy to eat and digest.

Choose a Comfortable Environment to Recuperate

Set up a comfortable and relaxing recovery area in your home, preferably in a quiet and dark room with a recliner or a bed with several pillows. You will need to keep your head elevated at all times to reduce swelling and bleeding. You may also want to have some entertainment options, such as books, magazines, music, or movies, to keep you occupied and distracted.

Immediately After the Surgery: Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions and Take Care of Yourself

The second step to a successful facelift recovery is to, once again, follow your surgeon’s instructions and take care of yourself after the surgery. Here are some things you should do:

Stay Comfortable and Relaxed

You may feel some discomfort, but not severe pain, after the facelift. Take your pain medication as prescribed. Stay calm and relaxed during your recovery. Avoid any stress or excitement and have someone to help you with your daily tasks.

Stay Active without Over-exerting Yourself

Move around slowly and gently. Walking can help with your recovery, but do not do any strenuous activities, such as jogging, lifting, or driving, for at least a month. Do not overexert yourself or raise your heart rate or blood pressure too much, as this may cause bleeding or swelling.

Dealing with Swelling and Bruising

If you have been advised by your surgeon to apply ice packs or cold compresses to your face and neck, it should be for 10 to 20 minutes at a time, several times a day. This may help to reduce swelling, bruising, and pain. Do not apply ice directly to your skin, as it may cause frostbite or damage your tissues. Wrap your ice pack or frozen bag in a thin cloth or towel before applying it to your face and neck.

Keep Your Head Elevated

Keeping your head elevated at all times, even when sleeping, can help reduce swelling and bleeding. Use several pillows or a recliner to prop up your head and neck. Do not bend over, lie flat, or turn your head too much, as this may increase pressure and tension on your incisions and stitches.

Protect Your Skin  

Avoid any exposure to heat, sun, or cold, as this may affect your healing or cause skin damage. Stay indoors as much as possible, and wear a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen if you have to go outside. Do not take hot showers, baths, or saunas, as this may increase swelling or infection. Use lukewarm water and gentle soap to wash your face and hair, and pat your skin dry with a soft towel.

Say No to Smoking and Alcohol Consumption

Avoid any alcohol, tobacco, or nicotine products, as this may delay your healing, cause tissue death, or dry out your skin. Smoking and drinking can also affect your anesthesia and medications, and increase your risk of complications. If you are a smoker, you should quit at least two weeks before and after the surgery, or better yet, for good.

Follow a Healthy Diet

Eat a healthy and balanced diet that is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, as this will help your body heal faster and better. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and flush out toxins. Avoid any spicy, salty, or acidic foods, as this may irritate your incisions or cause swelling. Eat soft foods that are easy to chew and swallow, such as soup, yoghurt, smoothies, and oatmeal.

After the First Week: Be Patient and Positive

The third step to a successful facelift recovery is to be patient and positive after the first week. Here are some things you should do:

Be Patient

Be patient with your healing process and do not expect to see the final results right away. It may take several weeks or months for the swelling, bruising, and tightness to subside, and for the scars to fade and mature. The final outcome of your facelift will depend on several factors, such as your age, skin type, health, lifestyle, and surgical technique. Remember that a facelift is not a miracle cure, but a subtle enhancement that can make you look younger, more refreshed, and more confident.

Stay Positive During Your Facelift Recovery

Be positive about your appearance and do not let any negative comments or reactions affect your self-esteem. You may experience some emotional ups and downs during your recovery, such as anxiety, depression, or disappointment, as you adjust to your new look. This is normal and temporary, and will improve as you heal and see the results. You may also want to seek support from your family, friends, or therapist, who can offer you comfort, encouragement, and validation.

Enjoy the Benefits of Your Facelift

Be proud of your decision and enjoy your new look. You have invested a lot of time, money, and effort into improving your appearance and well-being, and you deserve to feel happy and satisfied with the results. A facelift can make you look younger, more refreshed, and more confident, but it can also improve your quality of life, self-image, and relationships. Celebrate your achievement and embrace your new look.

Book a Consultation with Dr Denton Today

If you are considering rejuvenating your appearance with a surgical facelift or learning more about the procedure, you should book a consultation with Dr Denton at his private and fully accredited state-of-the-art surgical facility in Vancouver, BC. 

As a board-certified facial plastic surgeon since 2001, Dr Denton has extensive experience and expertise in performing facelifts and other facial cosmetic procedures, such as rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, facial implants, as well as non-surgical treatments. He will provide you with a personalized and professional assessment, and recommend the best treatment plan for your goals, needs, and expectations. He will also guide you through the entire process, from preparation to recovery, and ensure that you achieve the best possible results. 

To book a consultation with Dr Denton, please call (604) 879-3223 or complete his online consultation request form. Don’t wait any longer, and take the first step towards a younger and more confident you.