Basic Facts About Rhinoplasty and Nose Reshaping Surgery

Rhinoplasty surgery (a nose job) is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. It can correct, reconstruct, restore or improve your nose aesthetically. Surgeons can change the size, angle, and shape of the nose to make it more balanced with the other facial features.

Whatever your reason is for considering rhinoplasty surgery, you should know that the results are permanent and it should only be performed on a fully developed nose. Consequently, we do not advise girls below the age of 16 or boys younger than 18 to undergo this procedure.

How Rhinoplasty  Surgery Can Help You

Open Rhinoplasty Before and After - Dr. Andrew Denton
Prominent hump with long and drooping tip reconfigured during open rhinoplasty surgery.

Rhinoplasty can be selected for aesthetic and/or functional reasons. It is a procedure which can significantly improve one’s appearance and quality of life.

One of the most desirable results of this procedure is an increase in confidence and self-esteem. A board-certified facial plastic surgeon, who has extensive experience in rhinoplasty surgery, like Dr. Denton and the use of computer imaging, can ensure that the result will be what you have been expecting. A well-performed rhinoplasty can greatly improve your appearance by enhancing other facial features such as your eyes and bone structure.

The Rhinoplasty Procedure

Basically, the surgeon makes incisions to access the cartilage and bones in the nose which may be removed. Fillers may also be added to acquire the desired shape. However, the procedure can be divided into “open” and “closed” techniques. In a closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are made on the inside of the nose whereas in an open, the incision is made on the skin between the nostrils. Closed rhinoplasty is often performed when dealing with cosmetic issues. The open technique is normally performed in cases where the nose is severely twisted or has been previously operated on.

Recovering From Rhinoplasty Surgery

After the procedure, a small plastic cast is placed on the nose to protect it and to maintain alignment during the initial healing period. This cast is removed in 7 days. If light dressing is placed inside the nostrils due to bleeding, it is painlessly removed either in the recovery area or in the office on the next day. Stitches placed inside the nose dissolve on their own, however, skin stitches, placed during an open rhinoplasty, are removed in 5 to 7 days.

During the healing process, it is expected that patients will feel puffiness around the nose and eye area, where they may also experience some swelling and bruising for several days. The swelling and bruising can be managed by applying cold compresses for the first 48 hours.

Normally, patients can shower and gently wash their hair 3 days after surgery but they must be careful not to wet the cast while bathing. Bending, heavy lifting and straining should be avoided during the first 48 hours since these activities can place excessive strain on the body. In two weeks, patients can perform light non-cardiac exercise which can be gradually increased over the ensuing seven days.

The majority of rhinoplasty patients are able to return to work 7 to 10 days following their surgery.

Additional Considerations For A Successful Result

If you are considering undergoing a rhinoplasty procedure you should consider who will be performing the surgery. You need to choose a board-certified facial plastic surgeon, who has extensive experience and expertise in rhinoplasty, as it is considered a challenging procedure. By selecting the proper surgeon you will increase the chance of achieving the result you want and which will satisfy you for the rest of your life.

Dr. Andrew Denton is a board certified facial plastic surgeon, who has extensive experience and expertise in rhinoplasty. He understands that each patient has a unique set of expectations, which is why he is always willing to discuss every step of the procedure. At Dr. Denton’s state of the art private operating facility in Vancouver, you will also be able to see the expected results of your rhinoplasty through the use of computer imaging. Dr. Denton truly believes that all his patients must be fully informed about the procedures they may be considering so that they can be an equal member of the decision-making team.

Schedule your rhinoplasty consultation here today and not only breathe easier but also look and feel more confident.