Surgical Facelift Before & AfterA facelift or rhytidectomy is a cosmetic facial plastic surgery procedure designed to help you regain a healthier and younger looking appearance. Today, there are numerous surgical and non-surgical options to recapture a youthful appearance. However, without a doubt, a surgical facelift performed by an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon can offer the most dramatic and longest-lasting results for both men and women. A facelift can tighten your loose jowl and remove excess facial skin as well as any deep facial folds in order to rejuvenate your appearance. In fact, it’s been found that an expertly performed facelift procedure can take about ten years off your appearance.

The Ideal Age For A Surgical Facelift

The truth is that there is no specific age to undergo a surgical facelift procedure. This is because we age at different rates due to our genetic makeup, lifestyle choices or even the climatic conditions where we live.

The factors which you need to consider and should discuss with your facial plastic surgeon are your concerns about sagging or loose skin and deep wrinkles. You should also keep in mind that there are definite benefits to undergoing a facelift procedure at a younger rather than older age. For example, at a younger age, you will deal with issues before they progress too much and the results of the procedure will also be longer-lasting and more natural looking. What’s more, by having this rejuvenative procedure earlier in life, means that you will reap the benefits of a younger and healthier looking you with respect to both your personal as well as professional life. However, you can always enjoy the benefits of a facelift at an older age, too.

How A Surgical Facelift Is Performed

Surgical facelift techniques are constantly being developed to make the results more natural looking, recovery faster and less painful. Today’s modern facelift techniques not only tighten the cheek and neck skin, but also tighten the muscles beneath the skin for longer lasting results. Additionally, facelift procedures at our Dr. Denton’s Vancouver clinic can include liposuction to remove any excess neck and chin fat as well.

Facelifts are considered to be delicate surgical procedures since facial soft tissue is lifted and excess skin removed. Then the skin is methodically draped back over the newly repositioned contours of the face. As a result, wrinkles and lines are significantly reduced and smoothed out, and any sagging skin is greatly decreased. The final outcome of the procedure should be a younger and healthier version of you.

How Long You Should Expect Surgical Facelift Results To Last

As we have already mentioned, an expertly performed facelift will make you look ten years younger, but you will continue to age normally. Often, patients will be satisfied with only one facelift but there are others who opt to have touch ups and may have multiple facelifts during their lifetime. However, the factors which affected our aging prior to our facelift procedure will still influence how rapidly we age afterwards. For example, younger patients and those with darker skin can expect longer-lasting results. Also, those who take the time to take care of their skin, maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly can expect to prolong the result of their facelift.

Furthermore, it is important to note that the techniques used by your facial plastic surgeon can influence the longevity of your results. You shouldn’t expect procedures with short recovery time which do not affect the underlying tissues to have the same noticeable or long-lasting results as a standard facelift.

Deciding Whether A Surgical Facelift Is Right For You

If you feel that your appearance has become tired-looking due to the effects of aging and you’ve lost your facial muscle tone and skin elasticity, a cosmetic surgical facelift procedure can be extremely beneficial and rewarding. Not only can it rejuvenate your appearance but it can also boost your self-confidence and help you look more rested and much healthier.

Your decision to have a cosmetic facelift procedure should not be taken lightly. You need to consult an experienced and qualified facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Denton who can advise you as to the best course of action for you. Dr. Denton will discuss the benefits and any considerations which are related to your unique situation, needs and expectations. You should be treated as an equal member of the decision-making team because informed patients make good decisions.

At Dr. Denton’s Vancouver state-of-the-art non-hospital cosmetic and facial plastic surgery clinic, computer imaging is used to assist both patient and surgeon in making the best possible decisions. A high-resolution digital photograph on the clinic’s imaging computer, allows you to preview the changes that can be anticipated following your facelift.

Schedule your facelift consultation here today and for a younger more rejuvenated and confident you.