With the passage of time, our eyebrows will begin to sag and wrinkles appear on our forehead. It’s a natural part of aging which can make us look tired, sad or even angry. Fortunately, a brow lift surgical procedure, as well as other non-surgical procedures can help with these issues.

How a Brow Lift Can Rejuvenate Your Appearance

The horizontal creases, folds on our forehead and vertical lines between our eyebrows can make us look much older than our actual age. These signs of aging can significantly affect our appearance and reduce the confidence we have in our appearance.

A brow lift or a forehead lift surgical procedure can significantly reduce forehead creases, frown lines and reposition a sagging brow to a youthful position. For some women it will also no longer be difficult to apply eye makeup, since raising the brow will open up the eye area. The result of this procedure will be a more youthful and rested look. An experienced and skilled facial plastic surgeon, like Dr. Denton, can help you look younger, alert, more approachable and happy. What’s more, after your cosmetic procedure, you will not only look younger but also feel more confident about your appearance.

Before and After Brow Lift Procedure

Non-Surgical Options

To improve the appearance of your forehead you can also turn to non-surgical procedures like injectable treatments. These treatments can reduce the appearance of forehead creases and provide a subtle brow lift by softening vertical lines. Nonetheless, such treatments are limited in the types of results they can achieve. Facial plastic surgeons, tend to recommend non-surgical cosmetic treatments for patients with mild to moderate signs of aging in the upper face. Additionally, you must keep in mind that injectable fillers will have to be repeated periodically to maintain the desired results.

On the other hand, a surgical brow lift procedure offers you with long-term improvement to facial creases and sagging or drooping skin across the brow line. This is achieved because excess skin is removed and the underlying muscular structure is adjusted for a more natural and youthful outcome.

How Long Will Brow Lift Results Last?

Even though your brow tissues may be restored to a more natural and youthful position, the aging process will continue and your brow area will age naturally with you. Expertly performed cosmetic procedures will look natural and will not age faster or slower than the rest of your face. However, by following a healthy diet, taking part in regular exercise, adopting a high-quality skincare routine, which includes daily use of sunscreen, avoid smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol, will help you maintain your results for as long as possible.

Modern Brow Lift Procedures

Advances in cosmetic facial plastic surgery have reduced healing periods since modern endoscopic telescopes minimize incisions to the scalp. This cosmetic plastic surgery is done under twilight anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. The procedure itself only lasts for approximately a couple of hours. During your recovery period, you can take part in light activity within the first week. However, it is important not to do any heavy lifting and to avoid strain for at least 2 weeks after surgery as not to affect your incision sites. Normally, patients who have an endoscopic brow lift procedure are able to return to work a few days after this procedure. If a brow lift is part of a facelift, more time may be needed before resuming normal activities.

Considering a Surgical Facial Procedure?

Individuals who are considering facelift or eyelid cosmetic surgical procedures should consult their facial plastic surgeon whether a brow lift would also enhance their appearance. Most individuals believe that a facelift encompasses all three procedures when it only focuses on improving skin and jowling in the mid to lower face. Therefore for a full facial rejuvenation, you need to consider all three procedures.

If you need to consult with an experienced and qualified facial plastic surgeon in the greater Vancouver area, Dr. Denton can advise you as to the best course of action for you. Dr. Denton will discuss the benefits and any considerations which are related to your unique situation, needs and expectations. You should be treated as an equal member of the decision-making team because informed patients make good decisions.

At Dr. Denton’s Vancouver state-of-the-art non-hospital cosmetic and facial plastic surgery clinic, computer imaging is used to assist both patient and surgeon in making the best possible decisions. A high-resolution digital photograph on the clinic’s imaging computer, allows you to preview the changes that can be anticipated following your brow lift.

Schedule your brow lift consultation here today and for a younger, more rejuvenated and confident you.