One of the simplest and most effective ways for any woman to rejuvenate her facial appearance and enhance her smile is the subnasal lip Lift, also known as the upper lip lift. This minimally invasive procedure has been gaining popularity among those who desire a more youthful and balanced facial aesthetic that is permanent as opposed to lip injections which are temporary. Dr Denton would like to provide you with information about this cosmetic facial plastic surgery procedure to help you decide whether it is something you should be considering. We will explore its benefits, candidacy, procedure details, and why you should choose Dr. Denton in Vancouver for this transformational treatment.

What Is a Subnasal Lip Lift?

The subnasal lip lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to elevate and reshape the upper lip. It involves shortening the space between the upper lip and the bottom of your nose. It also creates a slight outward flip to the coloured part of the top lip, creating a subtle, natural-looking pout that makes your lip appear fuller. For a more mature woman, who may have lost lip volume over the years, this procedure can restore her upper lip to how it was about a decade earlier. This procedure is not necessarily only for mature women, it can also be performed on younger women who have a long upper white lip.

During a subnasal lip lift, a small portion of skin and tissue are removed just beneath the base of the nose. By doing so, it exposes more of the upper lip, creating a fuller and more youthful appearance. This procedure can address concerns such as a thin upper lip, excessive gum exposure when smiling, and the natural ageing process that can cause lip elongation. Unlike dermal fillers, which provide temporary results, a subnasal lip lift offers a long-lasting solution to lip augmentation.

The Benefits of a Subnasal Lip Lift

Youthful Appearance

One of the primary benefits of a subnasal lip lift is the instant rejuvenation it provides. By enhancing the upper lip, this procedure can take years off your appearance, giving you a more youthful and energetic look.

Enhanced Lip Symmetry

A subnasal lip lift is a surgical procedure that can help create enhanced lip symmetry by correcting the height and shape of the upper lip. Some people have a long or flat upper lip that does not match the lower lip, either due to ageing or genetic factors. This can make the lips look unbalanced and unattractive. A subnasal lip lift involves removing a small amount of skin from under the nose and lifting the upper lip, making it appear shorter, fuller, and more curved. This can improve the harmony and proportion between the upper and lower lips, as well as the nose and the mouth. The subnasal lip lift also enhances the smile by exposing more of the upper teeth and the cupid’s bow. The result is a more symmetrical and expressive smile that can improve your facial aesthetics.

Improved Smile

If you’re self-conscious about excessive gum exposure when smiling, a subnasal lip lift can address this concern. It helps achieve a more aesthetically pleasing smile by revealing just the right amount of teeth when you grin.

Minimal Downtime

This minimally invasive procedure typically requires minimal downtime. Following the surgery, you may experience some swelling and bruising from which you will begin to recover after a few days. Most individuals can return to their regular activities about a week after the surgery, making it a convenient option for those with busy lifestyles.

Permanent Results

Unlike temporary lip fillers that require regular maintenance every 6 to 12 months, a subnasal lip lift offers permanent results. Once the healing process is complete, you can enjoy your enhanced lip shape and definition for years to come.

Who Is a Candidate for a Subnasal Lip Lift?

Wondering if the Subnasal Lip Lift is right for you? Ideal candidates for this procedure typically exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Desire a fuller upper lip without lip fillers
  • Have a thin or disproportionate upper lip compared to the lower lip
  • Have a long or flat upper lip that covers the upper teeth when smiling or resting
  • Concerned about gum exposure while smiling
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Enjoy good overall health

Who May Not Be a Suitable Candidate

There are some limitations of subnasal lip lift that may not help some women achieve the fuller lips they are expecting:

  • Women who have a short or normal distance between the nose and the upper lip or who have excessive tooth-show at rest.
  • Women who have an active infection, inflammation, or cancer in the area to be treated.
  • Women who have a history of keloid formation or hypertrophic scarring may have a higher risk of developing visible scars after this procedure.

To determine your candidacy, schedule a consultation with Dr. Denton who will provide a personalized assessment tailored to your unique needs.

The Subnasal Lip Lift Procedure


The journey to a more youthful smile begins with a comprehensive consultation with Dr Denton. During this initial meeting, you’ll discuss your goals, expectations, and any questions or concerns you may have. Before any procedure, Dr Denton ensures that his patients are fully informed in order to make the best decisions. He encourages unhurried discussion between the patient, the other team members, and himself. He also uses computer imaging to enable his patients to visualize the proposed changes and their effect on his patients’ overall facial balance.

Preparing for Surgery

On the day of your procedure, you’ll receive detailed instructions to ensure you’re well-prepared. The surgery is typically performed under local anaesthesia or twilight anaesthesia ensuring your comfort throughout the process.

The Surgery

Dr. Denton will make a carefully planned incision just beneath the base of your nose. Excess skin and tissue will be removed, and the remaining tissue will be skillfully sutured into place. If a subnasal lip lift is performed on its own, the surgical procedure may only take about 30 minutes. Overall, the entire procedure is designed to be minimally invasive, with minimal scarring and a natural-looking outcome.

Recovery and Results

Following the subnasal lip lift, you may experience some mild swelling and bruising, which is normal and temporary. Most patients find they can return to their regular activities within a week. Over time, as swelling subsides, you’ll see the full benefits of your rejuvenated upper lip.

As with most facial plastic surgical procedures, patients are advised to rest quietly with the back and head elevated for the first 24 hours. Patients also need to avoid putting pressure on the lip and nasal area. Additionally, bending, heavy lifting and straining are not advised during the first two weeks. Light non-cardiac exercise can be resumed two weeks following surgery and slowly increased over the ensuing seven days.

Why Choose Dr Denton in Vancouver for Your Upper Lip Lift?

When considering a subnasal lip lift or any facial cosmetic procedure, choosing the right surgeon is crucial. Dr Denton is a renowned facial plastic surgeon in Vancouver, known for his expertise and commitment to delivering outstanding natural-looking results that enhance and rejuvenate his patients’ appearance. Here are some reasons why you should consider choosing him:

  • He is one of Vancouver’s leading board-certified Facial Plastic Surgeons.
  • He has a wealth of experience in facial plastic surgery, including subnasal lip lifts, ensuring the best possible outcome.
  • He prides himself on achieving results that look natural and enhance your unique beauty.
  • He takes the time to understand your goals and provides personalized care at every step of your journey.
  • Many of Dr. Denton’s patients have reported high levels of satisfaction and improved self-esteem after their procedures.

Book Your Subnasal Lip Lift Consultation Today!

Unlock a more youthful, confident you with the subnasal lip lift by Dr. Denton in his private and fully accredited state-of-the-art surgical facility in Vancouver, British Columbia. If you’re ready to enhance your smile and achieve natural-looking results, schedule a consultation today. Dr. Denton and his expert team are here to guide you through your transformational journey. Don’t wait – start your path to a more youthful smile now!